We deal in British works of art from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries; this is the area in which we are most knowledgeable and experienced. But our monthly Lists of new stock are composed of works that we feel are beautiful / interesting / rare / unusual / exciting … anything that might distinguish them from the crowd, irrespective of date or country of origin, and most certainly fashion.

When Robert Abbott and Eric Holder started dealing together in 1936 they aimed to provide pictures affordable from income. For eighty-seven years it has remained our policy to stock works that are within the means of as broad a section of the population as possible. So, while our prices can range from as little as £50 to more than £50K, the great majority of the works you will see on this website and at the gallery are priced between £500 and £10,000.

10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
Monday to Saturday


30 Museum Street
– opposite the British Museum –
London, WC1A 1LH
0207 637 3981
[email protected]


Managing Director

I studied History of Art at the Courtauld Institute then worked as a Porter at Bonhams Auctioneers. I joined Abbott and Holder in 2003. Philip Athill and I established the Abbott and Holder Joint Venture for special projects in 2008, and I became a Director of Abbott and Holder Ltd in 2012. When Philip retired I became owner and Managing Director. I have two young daughters, so am keen to spend every spare minute with them, my wife and dog. But whenever the opportunity presents itself, I am straight in the swimming pool …




To provide beautiful and interesting pictures affordable from income was the aim of Robert Abbott and Eric Holder when they started dealing together in 1936. For eighty-five years it has remained our policy to stock pictures that are within the means of as broad a section of the population as possible. So, most of our stock of British pictures from c.1750 – c.2000 are priced between £500 and £50,000.

The first of our famous ‘Lists’ was issued in 1942 as a way of introducing and publicising new acquisitions. Then, after World War II, Robert Abbott bought a large house in Castelnau Road that acted as both gallery and his home. The house, now famous in the history of collecting, became something of a Mecca for enthusiasts. The Partnership remained a family matter with the founder’s nephew, John Abbott, joining Eric Holder from 1971-81. Then in 1984 Philip Athill, who was already an Assistant, became a Partner. Philip and John moved the company to Museum Street in 1987 and added Paper Conservation to the business. On John’s retirement in 2001 we became a Limited Company of which Philip Athill was Managing Director. Tom Edwards joined the company in 2003 having read Art History at the Courtauld Institute. He became a Director in 2012. Philip Athill retired in 2021 and Tom Edwards is now owner and Managing Director.



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